Now most places for lunch offer soup and half a sandwich or salad and half a sandwich but I haven't come across many that offer soup and salad. Now the choice of soup are usually chicken noodle (which is mostly noodle and chicken broth), french onion ( basically one whole onion sliced and mixed with olive oil and vegetable broth, and don't forget the pound of cheese they lay on top), or some combination of a vegetable and starch (cream of mushroom, broccoli and cheese, minestrone, etc).
This is where preparing your own food pays dividends. I realized that when done right, soup and salad is a great lunch, hearty and fulfilling. So for today I had a spinach, mushroom, and onion salad along with left over chicken minus the tortilla soup. Now the soups I make are thick and full of vegetables and meats, so in some sense it reminds me of eating chili, thus my brain computes being full.
I bring up the heartiness because I get hassled at work for bringing in soup for lunch. For the most part my fellow lunch enthusiasts expect soup to be an appetizer, a wetting of the palate if you may. Where as in today's' lunchroom, soup is merely skipped over for a piece of bread and butter, since it is deemed "more filling", I am leading the way to make soup a lunch treat that won't cause you to crash in 20 minutes.
Here is a key note about cooking with chili peppers, especially the spicy kind: dry cracked skin + spicy chili oils = very painful stinging sensation. No matter how much milk I drink the burning sensation won't subside (that was a joke, I don't drink milk, and the drinking milk thing is suppose to help if you eat spicy food).
Spinach, mushrooms, onions, garlic, and some olive oil, and lemon juice
Karney Hatch's Paleo short documentary