So here is the first post of many on my experiences with researching and "trying" to stick to what I think were/are great "life styles" of eating.
Through out my many years of interest in fitness the cumbersome counter point to my hours in the gym was diet.
That's me, the cute one in the middle, all 220 lbs of me.
I researched diet/nutrition religiously, and used my self as a guinea pig when it came time to test a "theory" out.
This blog will be a place where I can talk about old methods (which according to my body fat index didn't work) and new theories that I read up on and deem appropriate to share (I'm either testing it out myself or will do in the future).
Don't get me wrong I believe that many methods can get you to the promised land, but 90% of the weight is on "your" shoulders to stick to the plan. You see plans don't work unless you stick to them. Now I must admit, many of times in the past a method would fall short not because of the science but because of my lack of will power to fight of the dancing Hershey kisses in my head (and I'm not talking about just one, think Pringles)
fighting the good fight
I hope this blog gives you insight on systems you might try but also give you a partner in the battle of the bulge.
My eating habits are not perfect and I do have a tendency to shoot out of the gates quick (go strict to the parameters of the system, then fade away into grease bliss). So this would be considered a real life study in one mans eating habits and systems.
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