So today marks the first month of a year on the Paleo! Ok, ok I said a 6 months at the beginning of the month, but I've starting to come over to the Paleo side.
I feel great, better then great, I feel amazing, more then I thought I would be on such a "drastic" change in consumption. I think most people would call change from popular demand "drastic". But sometimes the road less traveled results in greater discoveries.
So the change of food did lead to withdraw symptoms from the cold turkey stoppage of modern crack = starches/grains. Just tonight I walked past a bakery in Irvine with the line stretching out around the corner of the building, I'm talking at least a hundred people in line to buy bread and sweats at 9:00 at night! So I'm glad to say the cravings have subsided and the vice like grip that pasta/rice/breads/grains had on me no longer is as tight (believe me every now and then cake is very tempting). I feel like the guy on 40 days and 40 nights, except instead of boobs its french fries.
Another great effect of eating cleaner and more vegetables is my pallet has slowly changed. I feel like I can taste food for the first time. Instead of being cow fed food ala the fast food drive through window, I have more controll of what goes into my mouth, thus causing my taste buds to rejoice.
I mean vegtables actually have tastes of their own. I used to catagorize all vegtables as "vegtables" as in I don't eat "vegtables". They all tasted the same to me, I used to say "Oh, I don't like that it tastes to green for me". What I ment by that was it wasn't cooked for more then 10 minutes, killing off every vitamin possible and making it soft enough for babbies to enjoy it. Now carrots taste as sweet as chocolate, and I actually look forward to the various vegtable dishes out there.
Food in general just tastes better. I wonder if food conisours taste the same food I taste now with my new taste buds, because if they do, I would love that job.
My energy levels are back to full, and with the help of our friend Coffee they are at a all time high when it comes time for the WODs. I'm looking forward to setting some new PR's in the next couple of weeks. The weight started at 225 in December and as of today I'm at 210, with no sacrafice in strength or energy level.
More then anything, I'm changing, and I believe it for the better. If you are what you eat is true, then I'm looking forward to a stronger, healthier me!
I never drank coffee until this year, for many reasons, but now I appreciate the effect of the caffine, but I'm still struggling with the taste, since I don't put sugar or milk in mine.
So another example of a "Fridge" Paleo meal is the following.
Breakfest was a cup of joe, plus 2 hard boiled egges, half a bannana, and half a pear
Lunch was a cup of cantalope and pears, followed by mixed greens and left over rotisery chicken. (if your wondering where is the photo of the Veg's, well I ate them before the camera came out)
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